vrijdag 19 april 2019

Crealies Spinning Beach Ball Card

Spinner Card
Hi crafters...it is scorching hot in my part of the world in India right now
and I am dreaming of a holiday on the  beach!

I made this fun interactive card using the  Crealies  Ball die
and added a nice twist to it...the  ball actually spins!

The "Smile" from Crealies   is such a versatile and apt sentiment diecut for many themes
and it goes perfectly for this project too. I popped up the children on
Crealies Decorette XL no.9 diecuts which is also used as a background to highlight
the other elements and tone done the  pattern paper design a bit!

The beach chairs embellishment is actually a button and it is propped up on tags
cut using the  Crealies  Labelzz and Tagzz No.15  die set.
Love how Crealies  has such a variety of designs in the tag dies.

The Beach ball on the  card spins on a wooden skewer stick!

Here is how you can make the  spinning card mechanism:
Materials Required
Crealies Ball Die Cardzz No .14 
Cardstock : One A 4 card- fold in half, 2 pieces of 1 x 1 inch card, One card 8 x 4 inches
Craft Knife/Scissors
Skewer stick- at least 2 inches longer than the  ball
Adhesive : Liquid Glue, Adhesive tape

Make 2 Balls using the  Crealies  Ball Die Cardzz No .14

Fold an A 4 card in half and place the  Ball on the  folded edge as shown above.
Mark the  semicircle around the  ball.

Die cut or handcut out an aperture on the  folded edge of the  A 4 card in such a way that there is at least a 1/4 inch margin around the  ball when you place it as shown above

Glue a skewer stick in the  center of the  ball using adhesive tape and strong wet glue.

Stick the  other ball on top and hold with clips till the  glue dries

Open the  folded A 4 card and place the  ball with the  stick in the  center of the
aperture so that the stick lies in the  groove of the fold. Score and fold the
two 1 x 1 inch card stips every 1/4th inch to get an M shape.

Stick the  outer arms of this "M" on either side of the  skewer stick in such a way
that the stick can move freely inside the  groove.
Do this on both sides so that the  ball can swing and spin freely.

Optionally add a base using an 8 x 4 inch card scored and folded every inch.
Fold in such a way as to get a W as shown above and stick the  2 outer arms of the W
on the  base of the  folded A 4 card as shown above and below

Decorate as you wish and your Interactive Spinning Ball Card is ready!

I hope you like this idea.

Crealies  Dies/Stansen:

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